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Using Keploy for Regression Testing

What is regression testing?

Regression testing is a type of software testing that ensures that changes made to a software application do not negatively impact existing functionality. It is typically performed after a new feature is added, a bug is fixed, or a configuration change is made.

Regression testing can be performed manually or using automated tools. Manual regression testing involves re-running a subset of test cases that have been previously executed to ensure that they still pass. Automated regression testing uses software to execute test cases automatically, which can save time and resources.

Different Types of regression testing:

Full regression testing: This involves re-running all of the test cases in a test suite. This is the most comprehensive approach, but it can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Partial regression testing: This involves re-running a subset of test cases that are likely to be affected by the changes made to the software. This approach is more efficient than full regression testing, but it may not catch all of the potential regressions. Risk-based regression testing: This approach prioritizes the test cases that are most likely to be affected by the changes made to the software. This approach can help to ensure that the most important test cases are re-run, while also minimizing the amount of time and resources that are spent on regression testing.

Regression testing is an important part of the software testing process. It helps to ensure that the software is stable and reliable, and that it continues to meet the requirements of the users.

Benefits of perform regression testing using Keploy:

  • It helps to ensure that the software is stable and reliable.
  • It helps to prevent regressions, which are defects that are introduced into the software when changes are made.
  • It helps to identify potential problems with the software before they are released to users.
  • It helps to save time and resources by preventing the need to fix regressions after the software is released.

How to perform Regression Testing using Keploy?

Regression testing involves re-running previously executed test cases to ensure that recent changes to the codebase have not introduced new bugs or regressions. Keploy provides several features that facilitate regression testing:

  • Test Case Management: Keploy allows you to organize and manage test cases effectively. You can categorize test cases based on their purpose, severity, or functionality, making it easier to identify and execute relevant regression tests.
  • Test Automation: Keploy supports test automation with various testing frameworks such as GoTest, JUnit, and NUnit. You can automate the execution of regression test suites, ensuring that they are consistently executed whenever changes are made to the codebase.
  • Continuous Integration (CI): Keploy integrates with CI pipelines such as Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI. You can configure Keploy to automatically trigger regression tests whenever new code is pushed to the repository, ensuring that regression testing is performed as part of the CI process.
  • Capture and Replay Tests: Keploy allows you to capture and replay tests and mocks resembling real traffic. This feature enables you to simulate user interactions and test scenarios, making it easier to identify regressions caused by recent code changes.
  • Code Coverage Analysis: Keploy provides built-in tools for measuring code coverage, including line coverage, branch coverage, and statement coverage. By monitoring code coverage metrics during regression testing, you can ensure that all relevant code paths are exercised and regression bugs are detected.

Overall, by leveraging Keploy's testing capabilities and integrating it into your regression testing process, you can ensure the stability and reliability of your software by detecting and preventing regression bugs effectively.

Key differences between manual regression testing and automated regression testing:

FeatureManual Regression TestingAutomated Regression Testing
Execution MethodTest cases are executed manually by testers.Test cases are executed automatically by software tools.
Human InvolvementHigh human involvement in executing and verifying tests.Minimal human involvement once tests are set up.
SpeedRelatively slow due to manual execution.Faster due to automated execution, especially for large test suites.
EfficiencyProne to human error and inconsistencies in execution.Consistent and reliable execution once tests are automated.
Resource RequirementRequires more human resources (testers).Requires initial setup time but reduces ongoing resource needs.
ScalabilityLimited scalability for large test suites.Highly scalable for large and complex applications.
RepeatabilityExecution depends on tester skills and availability.Tests can be repeated reliably and consistently.
MaintenanceTests may need frequent updates and maintenance.Tests require updates as software evolves but are easier to maintain.
CostHigher ongoing costs due to human resource needs.Lower ongoing costs once initial automation is set up.
SuitabilitySuitable for smaller projects or specific test scenarios.Ideal for continuous integration and larger projects requiring frequent testing.
Complexity HandlingLimited ability to handle complex test scenarios.Can handle complex scenarios, including data-driven and UI testing.


Manual regression testing offers flexibility and can be suitable for smaller projects or specific scenarios where human judgment and exploration are crucial. However, it can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and less scalable for large test suites.

On the other hand, automated regression testing provides consistent, repeatable, and efficient test execution. It is ideal for larger projects, continuous integration pipelines, and scenarios requiring frequent testing. While it requires initial setup and ongoing maintenance of test scripts, automated testing ultimately reduces costs and resource requirements over time.

Ultimately, the decision should consider the specific needs of the project, balancing the benefits of human judgment in manual testing with the efficiency and scalability offered by automation. Many teams opt for a hybrid approach, combining both methods to maximize test coverage and effectiveness throughout the software development lifecycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is regression testing and why is it important?

Regression testing ensures that recent changes to software do not unintentionally disrupt existing functionality. It's crucial because it helps maintain software stability and reliability by catching regressions early, before they reach users.

What are the different types of regression testing?

There are several types:

  • Full regression testing: Re-running all test cases in the suite.
  • Partial regression testing: Re-running only selected test cases.
  • Risk-based regression testing: Prioritizing test cases based on potential impact.

How does automated regression testing differ from manual regression testing?

Automated regression testing uses software tools to execute test cases automatically, saving time and effort compared to manual testing, which relies on human execution. Automation is beneficial for repetitive tasks and frequent testing needs.

What are the benefits of using regression testing in software development?

Regression testing helps ensure software stability, prevents new bugs from being introduced inadvertently, identifies potential issues early in the development cycle, and ultimately saves time and resources by reducing the need for extensive bug fixing after deployment.

How can Keploy facilitate regression testing?

Keploy supports regression testing by providing:

  • Test case management for organizing and executing tests efficiently.
  • Test automation capabilities with various frameworks.
  • Integration with CI pipelines for continuous testing.
  • Capture and replay tests to simulate user interactions.
  • Code coverage analysis tools to ensure comprehensive testing.

When should regression testing be performed in the software development lifecycle?

Regression testing should ideally be performed after every code change, especially significant ones such as new feature additions, bug fixes, or infrastructure updates. Integrating regression testing into CI/CD pipelines ensures that tests are run consistently with each new code deployment.