Json Escape And Unescape

Cover Image for JSON Escape and Unescape

Animesh Pathak

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Cover Image for JSON Escape and Unescape

JSON Escape and Unescape

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents Now-a-days the data needs to be shared across different systems and platforms. One of the most common...

Cover Image for Understanding Base64 Decoding

Understanding Base64 Decoding

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents In the world of computer science and data transmission, encoding and decoding are fundamental concepts. One of...

Cover Image for SSL Problem “Unable to get Local Issuer Certificate”

SSL Problem “Unable to get Local Issuer Certificate”

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents In this age of modern era, where privacy is one of the biggest concern SSL/TLS certificates plays...

Cover Image for Understanding HTTP Status Codes

Understanding HTTP Status Codes

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents HTTP status codes are an essential part of web communication. They provide information about the outcome of...

Cover Image for gRPC vs. REST: A Comparative Guide

gRPC vs. REST: A Comparative Guide

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents In the world of APIs, there are many different architectural styles for building APIs, and each one...

Cover Image for Verify if a Key is Present in a JS Object?

Verify if a Key is Present in a JS Object?

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents When working with JavaScript, you often deal with objects. Objects are collections of key-value pairs, where each...

Cover Image for API integration – Importance and Best Practices

API integration – Importance and Best Practices

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents In today’s digital world, applications need to communicate with each other to provide users with seamless experiences....

Cover Image for How to compare two JSON files?

How to compare two JSON files?

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents As a developer, you usually work with JSON data, and may need to compare JSON files. This...

Cover Image for 4 Ways to write comments in JSON

4 Ways to write comments in JSON

Animesh Pathak

Table of Contents JSON or JavaScript Object Notation is a popular data interchange format used by developers to store and...

Cover Image for Unit Testing in Python is way more convenient than you’ve thought

Unit Testing in Python is way more convenient than you’ve thought

Swapnoneel saha

Table of Contents Introduction As software developers, we all write lots and lots of lines of code while building an...

Cover Image for Why Traditional API Testing Fails? Comparing Shadow, Production, Replay Techniques

Why Traditional API Testing Fails? Comparing Shadow, Production, Replay Techniques


Table of Contents I want to share the story of how our team at a fast-paced startup tackled the challenge...

Cover Image for Decoding Network Traffic: Telemetry with Network Activity

Decoding Network Traffic: Telemetry with Network Activity

Tejas Kumar

Table of Contents Network Telemetry, in simple terms, is like having a conversation with machines or systems located far away....

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Create Stunning Parallax Animations on Your Website


Table of Contents Have you ever come across a website that made you scroll over it again just to see...

Cover Image for Using TC-BPF program to redirect DNS traffic in docker containers

Using TC-BPF program to redirect DNS traffic in docker containers


Table of Contents The adoption of eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) has revolutionized high-performance applications, tracing, security, and packet filtering...

Cover Image for Adding colour to the log output of logging libraries in Go

Adding colour to the log output of logging libraries in Go


Table of Contents Logging is an integral part of software development, providing developers with valuable insights into the behaviour and...

Cover Image for SCRAM Authentication: Overcoming Mock Testing Challenges

SCRAM Authentication: Overcoming Mock Testing Challenges


Table of Contents In the vast landscape of cybersecurity, authentication stands as the guardian of digital fortresses, ensuring that only...

Cover Image for Choosing the Perfect Message Queue: Factors to Consider

Choosing the Perfect Message Queue: Factors to Consider


Table of Contents Not long ago, I was handed a problem that’s no stranger to the world of programming: making...

Cover Image for Managing Go Processes

Managing Go Processes


Table of Contents Introduction: The Challenge of Managing Blocking Processes While working on an application that required executing a command...

Cover Image for Getting code coverage data for each request coming to a python web server

Getting code coverage data for each request coming to a python web server


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Cover Image for MongoDB in Mock Mode: Acting the Server Part

MongoDB in Mock Mode: Acting the Server Part


Table of Contents In the contemporary software development landscape, unit tests have become paramount for ensuring software quality. A prevalent...