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Version: 1.0.0

Functional testing (v1.0.0)

Functional testing is a type of software testing that verifies that the software system or application behaves according to the specified functional requirements and meets the intended business needs. It focuses on ensuring that the system's features, capabilities, and interactions with different components work as expected.

Functional testing is typically performed by providing the software with input data and then checking the output data to see if it matches the expected results. This can be done manually or using automated testing tools.

Types of Funtional Testing

There are many different types of functional testing, including:

  • Unit testing: This type of testing is performed at the unit level, which is the smallest unit of code in a software system. Unit tests are typically written by the developers themselves and are used to verify that individual units of code work as expected.
  • Integration testing: This type of testing is performed at the integration level, which is where different units of code are combined to form larger components. Integration tests are used to verify that the different components work together as expected.
  • System testing: This type of testing is performed at the system level, which is the entire software system. System tests are used to verify that the entire system meets the specified requirements and meets the intended business needs.
  • Acceptance testing: This type of testing is performed by the customer or end user to verify that the software system meets their needs. Acceptance tests are typically written in the form of user stories or acceptance criteria.

Benefits of functional testing:

  • It helps to ensure that the software system meets the specified requirements.
  • It helps to identify defects in the software system early in the development process.
  • It helps to improve the quality of the software system.
  • It helps to reduce the risk of system failure.

Challenges of functional testing:

  • It can be time-consuming and expensive.
  • It can be difficult to test all of the possible scenarios.
  • It can be difficult to test the software system in its real-world environment.

Despite the challenges, functional testing is an important part of the software testing process. By following good functional testing practices, you can help to ensure that the software system meets the specified requirements and meets the intended business needs.