Contribute to Keploy Server (v1.0.0)
There's a separate docker-compose docker-compose-dev.yaml
file which helps with exposing the mongo server and also builds the dockerfile from local code. The build
flag ensures that the binary is built again to reflect the latest code changes. There's also docker-compose-debug.yaml docker-compose-debug.yaml
which can help remote debugging the go server on port 40000.
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up --build
If you are not using docker, you can build and run the keploy server directly. Ensure to provide the Mongo connection string via the KEPLOY_MONGO_URI
env variable. And also
enusre that ENABLE_TEST_EXPORT=false
as by default it is true
and you will not able to see testcases data in UI so make it false
if you don't want to export test cases.
export KEPLOY_MONGO_URI="mongodb://mongo:27017"
go run cmd/server/main.go
Keploy exposes GraphQL API for the frontend based on gqlgen. After changing the schema graph/schema.graphqls
you can autogenerate graphQL handlers graph/schema.resolvers.go
go generate ./...
Note:- As we follow conventional commits so we encourage you to also follow that while making commits. You can know more about them on here.