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Agile Unit Testing

Agile unit testing is a software testing process that is used in agile development teams. It involves writing small, self-contained tests that verify the behavior of individual units of code. These tests are typically written by the developers themselves, and they are run frequently throughout the development process.

Why is agile unit testing important?

Agile unit testing is important because it can help to improve the quality of software applications. By finding and fixing defects early, agile unit testing can help to prevent bugs from reaching production, which can save time and money.

How does agile unit testing work?

Agile unit testing is typically done by developers. Developers write unit tests that verify the behavior of individual units of code. These unit tests are then run automatically as part of the development process.

What are the benefits of agile unit testing?

  1. It helps to ensure the quality of the code by catching bugs early in the development process.
  2. It can help to improve the maintainability of the code by making it easier to track changes and to identify regressions.
  3. It can help to speed up the development process by reducing the amount of time that is spent debugging.

Key Principles of agile unit testing:

  1. Test-driven development (TDD): TDD is a development methodology that involves writing unit tests before writing the code. This helps to ensure that the code is designed with testing in mind, and it can help to improve the quality of the code.
  2. Continuous integration (CI): CI is a process that involves automating the build and testing of software. This helps to ensure that the code is always in a releasable state, and it can help to catch bugs early in the development process.
  3. Continuous delivery (CD): CD is a process that involves automating the deployment of software. This helps to ensure that the software is always available to users, and it can help to improve the speed of deployment.


Agile unit testing is a valuable tool for improving the quality of software applications. By following the best practices for agile unit testing, developers can help to ensure that their applications are free of defects and meet the needs of their users.