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Version: 2.0.0

Configuration File


Tired of specifying the same container name, app command, or delay, filters for each record or test command? 😴

Introducing Keploy-config 🎉 - It is a YAML-based file that will allow you to define the testing configurations, including container setups, delays, and any other relevant parameters.

Getting Started:

We will be using a sample app to demonstrate working of Keploy configuration file.

To generate a keploy-config file, run:

keploy config --generate --path "./config-dir/"

For demonstration purposes, we are using the root directory of the echo-sql application. We can place it wherever we want to inside the project.

After successful execution of the command, a default initialized config file named as keploy.yaml has been created with the content as shown below:

path: ""
command: "./echo-psql-url-shortener"
port: 0
proxyPort: 16789
dnsPort: 26789
debug: false
disableTele: false
inDocker: false
generateGithubActions: true
containerName: ""
networkName: ""
buildDelay: 30
selectedTests: {}
global: {}
test-sets: {}
delay: 5
apiTimeout: 5
coverage: false
skipCoverage: false
coverageReportPath: ""
ignoreOrdering: true
mongoPassword: "default@123"
language: ""
removeUnusedMocks: false
recordTimer: 0s
filters: []
configPath: ""
bypassRules: []
cmdType: "native"
enableTesting: false
keployContainer: "keploy-v2"
keployNetwork: "keploy-network"
# Visit [] to learn about using keploy through configration file.

Using the Config File

The Keploy-config file eliminates the need to repeatedly specify parameters for each record or test command. The parameters in the file correspond to the flags in the Keploy CLI Command Docs.Using keploy-config can help to reduce the record and test command to just:

Record Command:

keploy record

Test Command:

keploy test

Visit the CLI Command Docs to know more about the flags/parameters and their usage.

Configuration Sections

Record Section

The record section in the Keploy-config file allows you to define parameters for recording API calls.

  • path: Path to the project where recording occurs. (Mandatory field)

  • command: Command executed during recording.

  • proxyport: Port number for the proxy. Default is 0.

  • containerName: Name of the container during recording.

  • networkName: Network name for the container during recording.

  • delay: Delay in seconds before recording each request. Default is 5 seconds.

  • filters: API calls to the application to avoid recording.


    - path: "/user/app"
    urlMethods: ["GET"]
    headers: {"^asdf*": "^test"}
    host: ""

    This will avoid recording the API calls to the path /user/app with the method GET, headers starting with asdf and host

  • tests: Filters to record Tests.


    - path: ""
    urlMethods: []
    headers: {}
    host: ""
  • bypassRules: A bypass for mocking API calls.


    - path: ""
    host: ""
    port: 0

Test Section

The test section in the Keploy-config file allows you to define parameters for testing API calls.

  • path: Path to the project where testing occurs. (Mandatory field)

  • command: Command executed during testing.

  • proxyport: Port number for the proxy during testing. Default is 0.

  • containerName: Name of the container during testing.

  • networkName: Network name for the container during testing.

  • ignoreOrdering: When set to true, ignores the order of array elements in response bodies during testing.

  • selectedTests: : Selected tests to run. Example:

    "test-set-1": ["test-1", "test-2"]
    "test-set-2": []
  • globalNoise: Noisy fields to be ignored at global/test-set level. Example:

    body: {"url": ["https?://\S+"]}
    test-sets: {}
  • delay: Delay in seconds before testing each request. Default is 5 seconds.

  • apiTimeout: Timeout in seconds for API calls during testing. Default is 5 seconds.

  • bypassRules: A bypass for mocking API calls.

    - path: ""
    host: ""
    port: 0
  • withCoverage: Whether to generate coverage reports during testing. Default is false.

  • coverageReportPath: Path to store the coverage report. Example:

    coverageReportPath: "/path/to/coverage/report"

The tests section in the Keploy-config file allows you to define parameters for recording test scenarios during API calls.

  • filters: Filters to record specific tests based on path, HTTP methods, headers, and host.


    - path: "/user/app"
    urlMethods: ["GET"]
    "^asdf*": "^test"
    host: ""

The tests section enables you to specify conditions for recording tests during API calls. The filters subsection allows you to define specific criteria, such as path, HTTP methods, headers, and host, to record relevant test scenarios.

  • path: Specifies the path for which the test should be recorded. It defines the URL path of the API endpoint.

  • urlMethods: Specifies the HTTP methods for which the test should be recorded. It allows you to focus on specific HTTP methods like GET, POST, etc.

  • headers: Specifies headers and their values for which the test should be recorded. It enables you to filter tests based on specific headers.

  • host: Specifies the host for which the test should be recorded. It defines the domain or IP address of the API server.

Using Test Filters Together or Independently

You can use the path, urlMethods, headers, and host filters together or independently based on your testing scenarios. This flexibility allows you to precisely define the conditions under which tests are recorded.

Bypass Rules Section

The bypassRules section in the Keploy-config file allows you to define parameters for bypassing and mocking API calls.


- path: "/user/app"
port: 8080
- port: 8081
- host: ""
- port: 8081
host: ""
path: "/user/app"

The bypassRules section provides a way to bypass and mock API calls during testing. The filters subsection allows you to define specific conditions for applying stubs, such as path, port, and host. You can use these filters together or independently based on your testing scenarios.

  • path: Specifies the path for which the stub should be applied. It defines the URL path of the API endpoint.

  • port: Specifies the port for which the stub should be applied. It defines the network port on which the API call is made.

  • host: Specifies the host for which the stub should be applied. It defines the domain or IP address of the API server.

In the provided example:

  • The first bypass rule applies to the path "/user/app" and the port 8080.
  • The second bypass rule applies to the port 8081.
  • The third bypass rule applies to the host "

Advanced Noise Filtering:

Earlier the only way to add the noisy fields was by modifying individual test file (testcase level). Now, With the introduction of config file, users can add the noisy fields at test-set and global level through config file itself.

Global Noise

The global subsection of globalNoise is used to define parameters that are globally ignored for all API calls during testing. It enables you to filter out consistent noise, ensuring a cleaner evaluation of responses.

Note - The examples below support both the xml as well as the json type responses.

global: {body: {
# To ignore some values for a field, pass regex patterns to the corresponding array value
"url": ['https?://\S+', 'http://\S+'],
}, header: {
# To ignore the entire field, pass an empty array
"Date": [],

Note: For marking entire response body as global noise use -

global: {body: {"*": "*"}}
  1. global:
  • body: Defines patterns to ignore for the response body, such as filtering out URLs. Example: {"url": ['https?://\S+', 'http://\S+']}
  • header: Specifies headers or header values to be ignored globally. Example: {"Date": []}
  1. test-sets: This section is left empty in the example. It allows you to specify additional noise parameters for specific test sets, offering tailored noise filtering for different testing scenarios.

Test-Set Noise

Under the test-sets subsection of globalNoise, you can define noise parameters specific to a particular test set. This ensures that certain noise is only ignored for the API calls associated with that specific test set.

test-sets: {test-set-1: {body: {
# ignore all the values for the "uuid" field
"uuid": [],
}, header: {
# we can also pass the exact value to ignore for a field
"User-Agent": ["PostmanRuntime/7.34.0"],


  • body: Defines patterns to ignore for the response body within the specified test set.
  • header: Specifies headers or header values to be ignored for the specified test set. Example: {"User-Agent": ["PostmanRuntime/7.34.0"]}

Handling Deeply Nested JSON Fields in Keploy Configuration 🧩

When dealing with deeply nested JSON fields in the response body, it’s important to correctly specify the path to the fields in the Keploy configuration file. Here’s an example to illustrate how to add a nested token field to the global noise configuration.

Example JSON Response 📄

Consider the following JSON response:

"data": {
"signUp": {
"id": "100",
"email": "",
"firstName": "keploy",
"lastName": "keploy",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjp7ImNyZWF0ZWRBdCI6IjIwMjQtMDUtMjJUMTA6NDk6MjIuNjI0WiIsImlkIjoxMDAsImZpcnN0TmFtZSI6InNhZ2FyIiwibGFzdE5hbWUiOiJ0b21hciIsImVtYWlsIjoic2FnYXJAdGVzdC5jb20iLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IjU1ZjQ1MTg2OWI3OTZlMmFlZmU3ODA2ZjA0YTJlMzBkIiwidXBkYXRlZEF0IjoiMjAyNC0wNS0yMlQxMDo0OToyMi4wMzlaIiwiZGVsZXRlZEF0IjpudWxsfSwiaWF0IjoxNzE2Mzc0OTYyLCJleHAiOjE3MTY0NjEzNjJ9.21A-gz8QLnbx2bhpzMcezENjTGWKhBfwU4o2paFuEVM",
"createdAt": "2024-05-22T10:49:22.624Z",
"deletedAt": null,
"updatedAt": "2024-05-22T10:49:22.039Z"

Adding Nested Fields to the Configuration ⚙️

To add the token field inside the signUp object in the global noise configuration, you need to specify the complete path to the field.

- path: "data.signUp.token"
- path: "data.signUp.createdAt"
- path: "data.signUp.updatedAt"
- path: "data.signUp.deletedAt"

In this example:

  • data.signUp.token refers to the token field inside the nested signUp object.
  • Similarly, other nested fields like createdAt, updatedAt, and deletedAt are specified.

By specifying the path in this manner, Keploy will correctly identify and handle these deeply nested fields in the configuration.


The globalNoise and test-sets are optional fields in the config file. If not specified, the default value for both fields is an empty object {}. This flexibility allows you to seamlessly integrate advanced noise filtering based on your testing requirements.


Congratulations! You've now explored the features and configuration options provided by Keploy-config.

Now armed with Keploy-config, you are ready to embark on a more organized and productive journey of recording and testing APIs with Keploy. Feel free to explore additional features, customize configurations, and refer to the CLI Command Docs for more details on available flags and parameters.

Happy testing and may your APIs always return the expected results! 🚀