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Version: 2.0.0

Keploy Integration with Junit


  1. Java 1.8+
  2. Maven
  3. Jacoco 0.8.8


Get Keploy java sdk

Download the latest release of the Keploy Java SDK at maven central and add keploy-sdk as a dependency to your pom.xml :

<!-- -->

Update pom.xml file

You will need to add the following puligns in pom.xml file of your application. :-

<!-- <skipTests>true</skipTests> -->
<!-- Prepare the JaCoCo agent to track coverage during tests -->
<!-- Prepare execution data for e2e tests generated by keploy-->
<!-- Output of merged data -->
<!-- Merge e2e & u-t execution data files after tests are run -->
<!-- Output of merged data -->
<!-- Generate report based on the different execution data -->
<!-- Generate unit test report-->
<!-- Use merged data file -->
<!-- Generate e2e test report-->
<!-- Use merged data file -->
<!-- Generate combined (e2e+ut) report test report-->
<!-- Use merged data file -->


For the code coverage for the keploy API tests using the junit integration, you need to add the following test to your Junit test file.

import io.keploy.Keploy; // import statement
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Order;

public class SamplesJavaApplication_Test {
public void testKeploy() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String jarPath = "target/springbootapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar";
Keploy.RunOptions runOptions = new Keploy.RunOptions();
Keploy.runTests(jarPath, runOptions); // Pass the jarPath and runOptions to the runTests method

Now let's run junit tests along keploy using command:-

mvn test