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Version: 2.0.0

Merge Unit Test Coverage Data

To get the coverage report, first make sure all the requirements are met and then run Keploy test as usual with your application command:

keploy test -c "your_application_command"

After successful execution of this command, A coverage report would be generated inside the test-run folder of keploy/reports.

├── reports
│ └── test-run-0
│ ├── coverage.yaml
│ └── test-set-0-report.yaml
└── test-set-0
├── mocks.yaml
└── tests
├── test-1.yaml
└── test-2.yaml

Note: In case of java application, before running test subcommand, you need to clean the project by removing any previously generated file, and run install command.

mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

🛠️ Language Specific Requirements

Programming LanguagePrerequisites
go1. The application should have a graceful shutdown to stop the API server on SIGTERM or SIGINT signals. Refer appendix for basic implementation of graceful shutdown function.
2. The go binary should be built with -cover flag.
pythonPython 3 and above
javaJacoco 0.8.8

Graceful Shutdown

It is important that the application is shutdown gracefully. In case of Golang, function for graceful shutdown:

func GracefulShutdown() {
stopper := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
// listens for interrupt and SIGTERM signal
signal.Notify(stopper, os.Interrupt, os.Kill, syscall.SIGKILL, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
select {
case <-stopper:

func main() {

port := "8080"

r := gin.Default()

r.GET("/:param", getURL)
r.POST("/url", putURL)
// should be called before starting the API server from main()



Update pom.xml file

You will need to add the following plugins in pom.xml file of your application. :-

<!-- your plugins would go here -->
<!-- Prepare the JaCoCo agent to track coverage during tests -->
<!-- Merge e2e & u-t execution data files after tests are run -->
<!-- Output of merged data -->
<!-- Generate report based on the different execution data -->
<!-- Generate unit test report-->
<!-- Use merged data file -->
<!-- Generate combined (e2e+ut) report test report-->
<!-- Use merged data file -->
<!-- your plugins will go here -->

Now, To get the combined report as well as coverage report for your unit tests, Run

mvn test

The html file for unit tests report would be generated in target/site/ut directory and, for combined report it would be generated in target/site/e2e-ut-aggregate directory. Open index.html to visualize the report.