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Version: 2.0.0

Merge Unit Test Coverage Data

To get the coverage report, first make sure all the requirements are met and then run Keploy test as usual with your application command:

keploy test -c "your_application_command"

After successful execution of this command, A coverage report would be generated inside the test-run folder of keploy/reports.

├── reports
│ └── test-run-0
│ ├── coverage.yaml
│ └── test-set-0-report.yaml
└── test-set-0
├── mocks.yaml
└── tests
├── test-1.yaml
└── test-2.yaml
Programming LanguagePrerequisites
pythonPython 3 and above


To get the coverage data for your unit tests:

coverage run --data-file=.coverage.unit

Here, is the unit test program you want to run, and --data-file is set to .coverage.unit becuase, by default, raw coverage data would be written to .coverage which is where coverage data for keploy tests is present, so to avoid overwritting we pass a new file through data-file flag.

Note: If you face any problems with running the coverage library, you can refer to the documentation for the same here

Combine And Get Report

To combine the coverage from the unit tests, and Keploy's API tests we can use the command below:

coverage combine

Make sure to run this command before starting a new test run to avoid getting multiple coverage files.

Finally, to generate the coverage report for the test run, you can run:

coverage report

and if you want the coverage in an html file, you can run:

coverage html