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Version: 1.0.0

Understanding Keploy SDK Modes (v1.0.0)

SDK Modes

The Keploy SDKs modes can operated by setting KEPLOY_MODE environment variable. There are 3 Keploy SDK modes:

  1. Off : In the off mode the Keploy SDK will turn off all the functionality provided by the Keploy platform.
export KEPLOY_MODE="off"
  1. Record mode :
    • Record requests, response and all external calls and sends to Keploy server.
    • After keploy server removes duplicates, it then runs the request on the API again to identify noisy fields.
    • Sends the noisy fields to the keploy server to be saved along with the testcase.
export KEPLOY_MODE="record"
  1. Test mode :
    • Fetches testcases for the app from keploy server.
    • Calls the API with same request payload in testcase.
    • Mocks external calls based on data stored in the testcase.
    • Validates the responses and uploads results to the keploy server
export KEPLOY_MODE="test"