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Version: 1.0.0

Understanding Features of Keploy (v1.0.0)

1. Convert API calls from anywhere to Test-Case

Keploy captures all the API calls and subsequent network traffic served by the application. You can use any existing API management tools like Postman, Hoppscotch, Curl to generate test-case.

API Tools

2. Automatically mock Mutations

Keploy automatically mocks network/external dependencies for all CRUD operations with correct responses.

Data dumps, stubs or mocks for dependencies like DBs, internal services, or third party services like twilio, shopify or stripe are not required.

Mock Application Dependencies

Please check list of currently supported dependencies in Go, Java and Node.

Keploy can safely replay writes or mutations by capturing from local or other environments and replaying without API chaining.

API Tools

Idempotency guarantees are also not required in the application. Multiple Reads after write operations can be replicated automatically too.

3. Accurate Noise Detection

Keploy identifies noisy fields in the responses accurately like (timestamps, random values) to ensure high quality tests.

As the application serves the API, Keploy re-run that API request with the captured dependency mocks.

Keploy then compares if the responses of the API requests disagree with each other. If any of the fields of the API responses are different they are marked as random/non-deterministic fields.

4. Native interoperability

Keploy has native integrations with popular testing libraries like go-test, jUnit, jest. Code coverage will be reported with existing and Keploy recorded test cases and can also be integrated in existing CI pipelines easily.

Keploy Integration with Testing Libraries

5. Easy Integration Framework for new Libraries

Keploy has Instrumentation/Integration framework to easily add the new libraries/drivers within ~100 lines of code. Please check-out the contribution guide.