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Version: 1.0.0

Creating E2E Tests with Mocks (v1.0.0)


Add the following to the .env file of your application.

export KEPLOY_TEST_CASE_PATH="./example"    # If KEPLOY_TEST_CASE_PATH is not provided then a folder named keploy-tests will be made containing mocks folder. If KEPLOY_MOCK_PATH is provided then the mocks will be generated there.
export KEPLOY_MOCK_PATH="./exampleMockPath"

Note: To enable Test Export, add export ENABLE_TEST_EXPORT=true in your .env file of keploy-server repository. If enabled, yaml files containing test cases will be generated in the directory provided by the user. Similarly, mocks will be generated in the yaml files.


Note: If test export is enabled, then the recorded test cases will not be visible in the ui.