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Version: 1.0.0

Test your application in Js (v1.0.0)

Integration with Mocha testing framework

You just need to do some imports and call a built-in assert function in your code in your unit test file and that's it!!🔥🔥🔥

const {runServer} = require("../server"); //your server wrapper
const {keploy} = require("typescript-sdk/dist/integrations/express/register");
const {describe, test, before, after} = require("mocha");
describe("test function", () => {
before((done) => {
test("should be running", async () => {
return keploy.assertTests();
after(() => {
process.exit(1); //exits the node server

Note:- To see code coverage please use nyc mocha and see how many lines are covered!!

Note:- Jest is not supported currently!!

  • Furthermore, to commit your changes use yarn commit instead of git commit for better commit experience.

  • For VSCode setup, make sure these extensions are installed: