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Version: 1.0.0

Integration for Java (v1.0.0)

<details><summary> Pre-requisites



Build configuration

  1. Find the latest release of the Keploy Java SDK at maven central and add keploy-sdk as a dependency to your pom.xml :

    <dependency> <groupId>io.keploy</groupId> <artifactId>keploy-sdk</artifactId> <version>1.0.13</version> <!-- use latest release --> </dependency>

Sync dependencies or to build.gradle:

compile 'io.keploy:keploy-sdk:1.0.13'

  1. Install Keploy Jar

    • Download the latest jar from here (eg: 1.2.6) to mock external/internal dependency calls like DB queries, GMaps, S3 etc..

      • Add the jar into the main directory

        • Add -javaagent: prefix with absolute classpath of Keploy jar downloaded above

          (For example: -javaagent:/Users/jhon/project/src/main/agent-1.2.5.jar)

          You can set this through 3 ways:-

          1. <details><summary> Using Intellij </summary>

            Go to Edit Configuration-> add VM options -> paste -javaagent:/Users/jhon/project/src/main/agent-1.2.5.jar -> OK. </details>

          2. <details><summary> Using Command Line </summary>

              export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/Users/jhon/project/src/main/agent-1.2.5.jar"


          3. <details><summary> Running via Tomcat Server </summary>

                 export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -javaagent:/Users/jhon/project/src/main/agent-1.2.5.jar"


Supported Frameworks

  • For Spring based application

    • Add @Import(KeployMiddleware.class) below @SpringBootApplication in your main class.

      import io.keploy.servlet.KeployMiddleware;

      public class SamplesJavaApplication {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
  • For Java EE application

    • Specify the below filter above all other filters and servlets in the web.xml file.


  • Configure Environment Variables (optional)

    • APP_NAME (default APP_NAME = myApp)
    • APP_PORT (default APP_PORT = 6789)
    • KEPLOY_URL (default KEPLOY_URL = http://localhost:6789/api)
    • KEPLOY_MODE (default KEPLOY_MODE = record/test)
    • KTESTS_PATH (default test directory of your application)
    • DENOISE (default DENOISE = false) Note: By enabling denoise, it will filter out noisy fields for that testcases.