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Version: 2.0.0

Keploy Features

Key Features

Keploy is built for a wide variety of use-cases, however, to kick things off, let's dive into some key features that make Keploy stand out from the rest of the testing platforms out there.

🧩 Combined Test Coverage in CI/CD:

Run Tests with Mocks Anywhere You Like

Keploy has native integrations with your unit-testing libraries like go-test, jUnit, jest, pyTest. Keploy gives combined test-coverage and can also be integrated in existing CI pipelines easily within go-test, jUnit, jest, pyTest workflows.

Keploy Integration with Testing Libraries

Run tests with mocks anywhere you like—locally on the CLI, in your CI pipeline, or even across a Kubernetes cluster. It's testing wherever you want it! 🌍

📽️ Works for Complex API Flows

Can easily record complex API flows and replay them as tests and stubs.

With Keploy, you can effortlessly record and replay intricate, distributed API flows as mocks and stubs. It's like having a time machine for your tests! ⏳

Keploy will record all API calls and their subsequent network traffic served by the application. You can utilize your favorite API management tools like Postman, Hoppscotch, or even Curl to generate test cases.

Keploy automatically mocks network/external dependencies for all CRUD operations with correct responses.

API Tools

Once recorded, you have the flexibility to replay and simulate the same flow with mutations/write calls locally or within your CI environment without needing to connect to external services/dependencies.

No more data dumps, stubs, or mocks for dependencies like DBs, internal services, or third-party services like twilio, shopify, or stripe are required anymore. 💡

Mock Application Dependencies

Idempotency guarantees are also not required in the application. Multiple Reads after write operations can be replicated automatically too. 🔄

♻️ Multi-Purpose Mocks

Re-Use Mocks for Testing Servers

Keploy generated dependency mocks can also be used as test case for the server. These tests can be used for use-cases like chaos testing, e2e testing, integration testing, api and regression testing. 🌟

🌐 Code-less EBPF Instrumentation

Network Layer Integration makes it Light-Weight

Keploy uses EBPF like a secret sauce to make integration code-less, language agnostic, and oh-so-lightweight. 🍲

🔍 Accurate Noise Detection

Eliminates random fields for Assertion

Keploy identifies noisy fields in the responses accurately like ( timestamps, random values) to ensure high quality tests.

As the application serves the API, Keploy re-run that API request with the captured dependency mocks.

Keploy identifies differences in API responses, marking them as random/noisy fields. 🧐✅

Hope this helps you out, if you still have any questions, reach out to us .

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to reach out to us at or reach out us on Slack or open a discussion on GitHub Discussion