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Version: 1.0.0

User Profile Management Sample App

A sample application that does CRUD (get, create, update, and delete) operations on a user in mongoDB.


Navigate to Installation guide to quickly install and run the keploy server.

Start Docker and MongoDB locally

  1. Open Docker application
  2. Run the command docker container run -it -p27017:27017 mongo to start MongoDB locally

Start Users-Profile sample application

git clone
cd samples-go
cd users-profile
go get .
export KEPLOY_MODE=record
go run .

export KEPLOY_MODE="record" changes the environment variables to record test cases


Sample Application Port: http://localhost:8080

  • /user : POST - Create a new user in the database
  • /user/:userId : GET - Get a user from the database
  • /user/:userId : PUT - Edit an existing user in the database
  • /user/:userId : DELETE - Delete an existing user from the database
  • /users : GET - Get all users from the database

Generate Test Cases

To generate Test Cases, you need to make some API calls. It could be using Thunder Client, Postman Desktop Agent, or your preferred API testing tool.

Let's see some requests here using Thunder Client:

  • POST Request POST-Request
  • GET Request GET-Request

Once done, you can see the Test Cases on the Keploy server, like this:


Generate Test Runs

To generate Test Runs, close the application and run the below command in the same users-profile directory:

export KEPLOY_MODE=test
go test -v -coverpkg=./... -covermode=atomic ./...

Once done, the Keploy terminal should look like this:


Check the MongoDB database

To check the actual data being changed in the database. Open MongoDB Compass and enter the URI below to check the data:


*Would be used while making PUT Request - to get the "id" of a user

That's all for the users-profile!